homepage for the homeless

Like me, you probably shop online, and recently I became aware of some inspiring individuals who came up with an idea to help young homeless people, in Australia, while we do just that. I thought this was a brilliant way of tapping into what many already do therefore could easily become a part of, so I wanted to share it here with you. Having raised $2,603 already, Homepage for the Homeless simply invites shoppers to take a new path to the store. Easy and there's no extra cost to the shopper. If you would like to help you can check out more here. Money raised is donated to Ladder an independent non-profit organisation established in 2007 to tackle youth homelessness in Australia.


teddybearswednesday said...

WHat a wonderful thing, thank you so much for sharing this evie, I had no idea about it xo

Ebony Arwen said...

Definitely going to be sharing this! Thanks!