I thought I'd share him here as a reminder to get your softie in on time if you're making one, the deadline is this coming weekend. All of the details are over on Pip's blog here.
If you're familiar with Pip from Meet Me at Mike's you probably already know about Softies For Mirabel. For those that don't know, Softies For Mirabel is an annual handmade toy drive that Pip helps co-ordinate for the Mirabel Foundation. All of the toys made head off in time for Christmas to live with kids affected by parental substance abuse. This year the toys will be on display in the CAE InfoShop, 44 Degraves Street Melbourne. There's also a meet up planned for the makers on December 7th between 2pm to 4pm which you can read about here.
If you're on Instagram search #softiesformirabel if you'd like to take a look at all the amazing softies everyone has been making.
Aw. Thanks Evie. You are a BRICK! I love this Sunny Guy! :) Thank you for writing about this and for helping with this. xx
He is the cutest little thing ever. Really! I've just decided to send a little softie I've made off. Will post him tomorrow.
He is perfect. Just right for the cause as well, so thoughtful of you Evie.
he is so darn cute!
Oh my oh my oh my!!! Cutest little sun ever! I just found your blog and I am in l-o-v-e! Happy new year, keep on creating beautiful things! :)))
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