test everything

Cover by Matt Lyon

All images shown above are from Test Everything's Flickr.

You may remember this
post I did a little while back on Rand Renfrows' Test Everything zine. For those of you who aren't familiar with this project the idea is; Rand comes up with a theme, submission is open to all, any skill level, from anywhere in the world. 16 pieces are then chosen and screenprinted into a great little limited edition zine. The first issue is sold out but the second issue has just been completed so you can grab a copy here.

Rand is in the mist of printing the third issue (stay tuned I have a little surprise in there for you) and submissions for
issue 4 are currently open. The theme for issue 4 is 'Hugs will save us' so get your doodling hats on and submit something it'll be fun! If your piece gets selected you get your very own copy of the issue it appears in, for free!

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