This week I hope to get some things on the To-Do list complete and I'm telling myself not to start anything new until I have. We will see. Finding time is the other challenge, work has been busy so time to craft is pretty much limited to any spare time on the weekends.
How do you fit everything in? Are you good at getting projects finished?

Whenever I am home working at my desk she either sits here on the window ledge or snoozes underneath. She is a little bit like a shadow, never too far away.
There have been a few appearances by Millie lately hasn't there? Not sure what's going on, promise this will be the last for a little while. But she is pretty cute though!
No, Millie is beautiful. She should make more appeareances. I also know just what you mean by never getting things finished. I've had to become a night owl to get anything done for myself. I always seem have one child climbing on me and the other say, " I touch... What that? I touch... What that?"
I hope you have a wonderful Monday and that Millie gets in some nice naps. xx
I am terrible at starting and not finishing things - evidence is two, oops no three, knitting projects languishing on the needles and a few other bits and pieces lying around the house. This weekend I visited the art supply shop - lots more "necessary" purchases and now my fingers are itching to start them as well...
Millie is gorgeous, so I never mind seeing her lots.
What your making looks beautiful.
I feel the same about time, I'm OK at finishing things, but I do wonder many people fit everything in they do.
Like the look of what you're working on - looking forward to seeing more!
Millie's very cute – I don't mind her making regular appearances.
I'm not even good at starting things! I'm very good at thinking of things to start – I have lists of ideas for projects but not even a beginning to show for them!
Looking forward to see what you've been making. x
they are fantastic! I love them so much. I have so many things on the go at the moment and I normally don't do this but I think it may help me from rushing things at the end.... if I find myslef getting annoyedd I can pick up something else.
I just had to pop in and say that i love your work and am very interested to see the finished results from these images! I have no idea how to fit everything in or finish things off but it's great to always have something to work on. Your cat looks extremely cuddly and is great to see photos.
Ooooh, these look interesting. And Millie is too cute, I don't mind seeing her! I'm like you, crafting at the moment is strictly for spare weekend time only between washing, groceries, ironing, cleaning etc. Why do we have to work??? That's what I want to know. Hope your week is grand. Melinda xo
I concur - Millie is adorable. More Millie, more Millie!
In all seriousness - i would LOVE to see more of what you've been stitching. Will it be available for purchasing if someone was a good girl and saved her pennies?
I too excel in starting projects and rarely finishing them. Look, there are some people out there afflicted with the terrible disease of accomplishment where as I am blissfully free to flit and flee a project at the first sign of distraction!
Ooh, yes. I'd be happy with more Millie. She's so pretty!
I too like the look of what you're working on AND am good at the starting but less so the finishing. I wish I had a magical answer but mostly what I can come up with is to become independently wealthy so I can stay home and craft all day!
I love the little drawings! So so cute.
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